Chances are slim, thug. Stakes is high, and streets is watching. Sure, Scarlett probably still makes cds for her girlfriends birthday's and listens to french novels on her iPod when she works out, but she's a hott minute away from being a million degree movie quasar that hangs out on the Mount Olympus in the center of the universe, talking to Terrence Stamp about the Stoics. I've probably got a week or so to do something incredible and meet her.
"Scarlett? This is a former blogger. He cured cancer. Twice."
"Oh. Hi."
Our blogger shuffles his feet nervously, throwing out his line like a well-worn pebble. "Scarlett, did you ever listen to the Slits?"
"Oh yeah. I met Ari Upp in Tokyo once. She's nice."
"Cool. Do you like, wanna dance?"
With a smile hotter than a million midnight suns, "Sure."
The Slits- Too Many Creeps
Buy a Slit yrslf.