i'm working so i won't have to try so hard

This hooded sweatshirt reminds me of the internet. A man stands on block of code, clears his throat, and screams "I've got something to say!"
This is a live recording of Built to Spill covering the Strokes, and it makes me feel better about both bands. Sometimes indie rock only equals the sum of its gestures, a whiny guitar line, a quirky vocal, and echoes of someone else's record collection. Here, Doug Marsh and company are finally freed from the pressure of being themselves (indie+Idaho). Replacing the impossible telephone cool of those guys in chucks and ties, Marsh's vocals makes "Someday" vulnerable and accessible This tale of teengage kicks and the good old days in New York gets brought to your hometown, and now sings about your old crush, and the funny she did that summer. Striped of the Strokes themselves, "Someday" finds itself to be a great pop-rock song, and a little surprised to be more than a new-vintage accessory.
Built To Spill- SomedayHead over to
One Louder, where you can get their take on this little number, as well as some other choice mp3s.