rocker, i know what yr talking about

"Dear M. Jones,
Suffice to say, I dig the repetition in the music. I did a song once where I just said L.A. over and over and over again again, and it's probably one of my best. I don't really get out much, but one of the small studio fucks played me one of yr songs. Not bad. Saying yr name over again and again, and the cell phone numbers, good shite. Suffice to say, I dig the repetition in the music. Lots of blokes play with language in music in all those miserable, predictable ways, with cutesy puns and rhymes and dead ideas that died out 400 years ago. I mean using "back thens" as nouns? Those slowed up "know whut i'm saying" things might give one a head expansion syndrom. Fucking great. Let those small trainspotting music critcks run their yaps, but uh, keep your grind on er something. Shite, I never went platinum.
Mark E. Smith"
Mike Jones- Know What I'm Saying (Feat. Bun B and Lil' Keke)Yes, Rory
Themfinest, I'm lurking. I posted some pics of Diplo in Japan from you before, and now I'm posting your incredible pop culture mash up poster. I want to steal this so bad. Instead, I guess I'll steal the loose idea of taking classic movie posters over to the photo-chop-shop and going to work.