where it's at...

Big news, which has very little to do with this blog, but has everything to do with the syncopated wails of haunted robots.
Technics 1200s are on their way, along with Serato, a ridiculous mixer, and nite club needles, all courtesy deejay ray ray.
I'm very, very excited about this, and I'm trying to keep my expectations tethered like ballons at a birthday party. Now let's blow out the candles and cut a song like birthday cake.
In the summer of 1976, prog and pub rock left their post atop the British charts, and some young punks struted in like they owned the place. The Stranglers decided that they didn't belong in either camp, so they mooned the departing geezers spat upon the mohawked upstarts. In the ensuing generation riot, the Stranglers stole keyboard hooks and a sax solo from Roxy Music, nabbed a thumping guitar line or two from the punks, and some old fashioned talent and show-manship from the pubs. (Get A) Grip (On Yourself), their first single, shows what the Stranglers did with these stolen goods.
The Stranglers- (Get A) Grip (On Yourself)Photo credit: